Friday, March 6, 2015

Still sick.

I'm still pretty sick today.  My daughter woke my son and me up a lot last night because she kept falling out of her bed.

"My son and me..." sounds so incorrect, but I looked it up just to be sure.  English is weird.

Anyway, I've got a WIP of my daughter's rainbow blanket.  I found out that I hate crocodile stitches more than any stitch I've ever done so far.  My next fancy stitch on this blanket is a star stitch, so let's hope that one is more fun.  Here's where I'm at now:

I'm working on my next giant granny square for the other crochet along today.  I haven't even looked up what it looks like, so here's to hoping I like it!

I'm going to go rest a bit.  My lymph nodes are really swollen and sore and I'm running a lovely fever now.  Happy stitching, everyone.

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